U10/W10 and U11/W11 Football

U10/W10 and U11/W11 football is focused on the further acquisition of skills, through short and dynamic (9 v 9, including goal keeper) games to mimic the format of full-size football. The aim is to continue the development of young players to enhance the skills introduced during earlier age divisions. The focus will be to enhance each players skill in 4 key areas of the game:

  • Running with the ball
  • Striking the ball
  • 1 v 1
  • First touch

Girls teams play their games on Sundays.  These age groups start with a “W” eg. W10, W11, etc and only girls can play in these teams.

Boys play their games on Saturdays.  Girls can play in this competition too, so age groups are referred to as “Mixed” and are named U10, U11, etc.

Each U10/W10 or U11/W11 team is made up of a squad of up to 13 players (usually 11 or 12), with a parent coach and manager. The game is 9 v 9 (including goalkeeper) and is played on a 70 m x  50 m pitch with 25 min halves. More details on the playing format and rules for U10/W10 and U11/W11 football can be found HERE.

Seaforth FC truly hopes you have a enjoyable, fun-filled and exciting season.

Registration Information

For the 2025 Season, the dates of birth that are eligible to play in each age group are:

  • U10/W10 – children born in 2015
  • U11/W11 – children born in 2014

In some cases, children can play up an age division, but approval must be sought from the relevant Age Coordinator.

Girl players can elect to play in a Girls Only competition (on Sunday), Mixed competition (on Saturday), or both.

The following are the key steps to register to play football for Seaforth FC:

  • Prepare a digital new ‘passport-style’ photo.
  • Read the instructions in General Information & Fees and the Registration Guide.
  • Visit FFA Play Football to register as a player, coach or manager.
  • If you haven’t previously played football in Australia and do not have an Australian passport or birth certificate, review the International Transfer Clearance guideline and if required complete the form. Contact the Junior Registrar for more information and assistance during registration.
  • For girls wishing to play in the Girls Only competition, be sure to select the age division starting with ‘Womens’. The age divisions starting with ‘Under’ is for the Mixed competition (boys and girls). If a girl player wishes to play in both competitions, please first register for the Mixed competition, then under ‘Other Products’, select ‘Dual Registration’.

If you would like your child to play with certain other children, children from the same school or a specific team, please include this information during the registration process. Please note that Age Coordinators will make every effort to accommodate any requests, but no guarantee is made.

There is no grading for under 10 girls (W10) or boys (U10).  under 11 girls (W11) and under 11 boys (U11) must come along to grading.  Players are graded prior to the start of the season, with teams generally formed of players of equal ability. For detailed information, please visit Grading & Team Allocation.

Check HERE to see the status of all age groups and confirm that we are still accepting registrations for this age group.

For further information, please refer to the FFA Play Football information and FAQs or contact the relevant Age Coordinator.

Next Steps

Soon after the registration period has closed and grading has been completed, the Age Coordinator will notify all registered players of their team. Once the teams have been released, it is the responsibility of each team to complete the following next steps:

  • Select a manager to organise the players, delegate duties and communicate with the Age Coordinator, as required.
  • Select a coach(es) to run training session and lead the team on game days. Suggestions for finding a coach are available at Information for Managers.
  • Contact the Training Ground Coordinator to select a suitable date and location for the teams weekly training session. This is typically one afternoon after school, but can also be on a weekend if that is more preferable. Detailed booking instructions, field layout and ground allocation is at Training Ground Bookings.
  • The manager and/or coach must attend the Information Session to learn about the season ahead and collect their teams gear (training balls, match ball, training bids, cones and player jerseys and socks).

For any questions or issues that arrive prior to and during the season, the team manager can contact the relevant Age Coordinator for assistance and support.