Free, age appropriate Football Australia (FA) courses are regularly delivered at Seaforth Oval by the MWFA and Seaforth FC for all club coaches, whether new or experienced.
For the details of all courses at Seaforth Oval and elsewhere across the MWFA, check out
Check here for more information about what the FA courses cover
Not sure what it’s like to attend a course? Watch this video to get an idea
All of these workshops and courses are fully practical so please come prepared to participate. Limited spots available in each course so RSVP or book early.
Coach workshops are regularly delivered free of charge at Seaforth Oval by the MWFA and Seaforth FC for all club coaches, whether new or experienced.
For the details of all workshops at Seaforth Oval and elsewhere across the MWFA, including those held at Seaforth Oval, check out
The coaching workshops complement the official courses and focus in-depth on specific topics and challenges that coaches face. They are often presented using a club “demonstration team” so coaches can see a real session being run by an experienced coach.
Our coaches can attend any or all of these workshops, even if they are not a member of the club hosting it.
C Licence courses are available for those that wish to take their coaching to the next level. For more information and 2025 course details see HERE. Seaforth FC offers bursaries to suitable candidates. If you’re interested in doing this course please contact the Coach Development Team on for more information.