Our grading days will be held at Seaforth Oval on Sunday 4th February and Sunday 11th February. A detailed schedule with times for each age group is now available (see the link below).
For U6, W7, U7, W8, U8, W9 and W10 – there is no grading. The age coordinators will attempt to construct teams that keep friends and last year’s team together.
For U9 and U10 – grading is optional and only recommended for those players who wish to be placed in competitive divisions (there may be more than one team in each division).
For W11/U11 to W13/U13 – grading is mandatory for all players.
For W14/U14 to W16/U16 – grading is mandatory for those players who wish to be placed in our top two competitive divisions (usually only one team in each division). It is optional for other players.
W18, U18 and U21 – grading is mandatory for those players who wish to be placed in our top team in those age groups.
For further information about our grading and team allocation process please see HERE.